Monday, January 16

The Internet - Purple Naked Ladies

The first non-rap album I am reviewing! For some background: the internet is a sub-group of OFWGKTA, consisting of Producer Matt Martians and singer/DJ/only girl in odd future Syd Tha Kyd. This is the production-duo's first album, and it was pretty good (for the first album of two stoner/surrounded by stoners teenagers from L.A.). Syd tha Kyd recently was on the cover of LA Weekly. Good for you Syd.

Hook 1: originality. I have never heard beats consistently using odd clicks and boings and wooshes as the ones on Purple Naked Ladies. Nor have I ever heard a beat as dependent on odd clicks and boings and wooshes as the ones on Purple Naked Ladies.

Neutral 1: singing. I like that the lyrics, despite conveying sometimes cliched topics, are funny and original, but I don't like Syd tha Kyd's voice. Some of my favorite songs have guest singers.

Downside 1: that boingy sound gets pretty damn annoying, Matt. Also, every other sound just gets boring.  The album would have been much more interesting without 3 or 4 of the songs.

Overall Score: 6/7

Download Link:

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